Rami Aman has been arbitrarily detained by Hamas since April 9, 2020 for exercising his rights to freedom of expression and association. Aman is a 38-year-old Palestinian journalist and peace activist in Gaza. He founded the Gaza Youth Committee, which recently joined the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), an international coalition of groups that promote Israeli-Palestinian cooperation.
On April 6th, Aman and his group conducted a Zoom video call with more than 200 Israeli and Gaza peace activists. The nearly two-hour meeting was part of a series of meetings titled “Skype With Your Enemy,” that had been taking place for the past five years. An invitation to the Zoom conference was posted on Facebook for an opportunity to “open a channel of communication between Gazans and Israelis.” During the call, Mr. Aman encouraged participants to believe in peace and continue advocating for change. Two days later, Aman was denounced to Hamas in a series of vituperative Facebook posts by Hind Khoudary, a former research consultant with Amnesty International. Hours later, Hamas arrested Aman and seven others, accusing them of treason. The arrest was announced on Facebook by Hamas Interior Ministry spokesman Iyad El-Bozom, who accused the activists of “holding a normalization activity with the Israeli occupation.”
Aman is being accused of treason for having engaged in peace dialogue with Israelis. By its nature, “normalization” (i.e., peace dialogue) implicates the rights to freedom of expression and association.
The detention of Mr. Aman fits in a pattern of Hamas’s past violations of Aman’s rights to freedom of expression and association. Aman was previously detained and interrogated by Hamas on a number of occasions as a result of his activism—including for organizing a joint bike ride with Israelis along the Gaza border fence and criticizing Hamas for torture. Aman and his group were also subject to surveillance by Hamas because of their activities. Hamas has failed to observe the international norms relating to the right to a fair trial. The warrant for Aman’s arrest was issued by the Hamas Military Prosecution, which is not an independent and impartial authority. In the five months that he has been detained, Aman has never been brought before a judge, has not had any opportunity to challenge his detention and no trial has yet been scheduled. The 70 NGOs are particularly concerned about Aman’s physical and mental well-being given that Hamas routinely tortures detainees. The PA and Hamas must act to immediately release Mr. Aman. Read full legal brief here. |