=> To make an EU Tax-Deductible Donation to UN Watch from one of the countries listed below, via Transnational Giving Europe, please select your country:
=> To donate now by credit card (without receiving an EU tax-deductible receipt), Click here.
=> To donate now via Paypal (without receiving an EU tax-deductible receipt), click the button below:
Belgian residents can donate to UN Watch through the King Baudouin Foundation and receive a tax-deductible receipt.
- Make a BANK TRANSFER to the account listed below, and include your name and address.
- Check and credit card are not accepted.
- Minimum donation: 40 Euros.
Bank Information:
numéro de compte : 000-0000004-04
banque : banque de la poste
adresse : rue des colonies (P28) - 1000 Bruxelles
IBAN : BE10 0000 0000 0404
Avec la communication : TGE - CH - UN Watch
=> To donate now by Credit Card without receiving a Belgian tax receipt, click here.
Faites un don à UN Watch via la Fondation de France et obtenez une quittance déductible d'impôt :
- Pour les CHEQUES, contactez-nous afin de recevoir un formulaire pour déduction d’impôts.
- Pour les VIREMENTS BANCAIRES, contactez-nous afin de recevoir les instructions à suivre.
- Toute donation égale ou supérieure à 50 Euros est déductible d’impôts.
- Les donations sont déductibles de l’Impôt sur le Revenu des Personnes Physiques (IRPP) aucune déduction n’est acceptée sur l’Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune (ISF).
=> Pour faire un don maintenant par Carte de Crédit sans recevoir une quittance déductible d'impôt, cliquez-ici.
Donate to UN Watch through Maecenata Stiftung and receive a tax-deductible receipt.
- For Bank Transfers or donations by credit card, click here.
- From the organizations dropdon menu, choose UN Watch
- If you prefer to make a regular wire transfer, in the Reference section, kindly indicate TGE-UN Watch.
- There is no minimum amount for a donation.
Transnational Giving Office
E-mail address: tg@maecenata.eu
Maecenata Foundation
Transnational Giving
Rungestrasse 17
10179 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 2838 7909
Fax +49 30 2838 7910
Web www.maecenata.eu
Bank Information:
Account holder: Maecenata Stiftung
IBAN: DE89 1003 0500 1061 0007 01
Bank: Bankhaus Löbbecke
=> To donate now by Credit Card without receiving a German tax receipt, click here.
Donate to UN Watch through Fondazione Donor Italia and receive a tax-deductible receipt.
- Donations must be made by BANK TRANSFER, not check.
- No minimum donation.
Bank Information:
Reason for payment: “TGE – UN Watch – Svizzera”.
ACCOUNT N: 1000/155347
=> To donate now by Credit Card without receiving an Italian tax receipt, click here.
Option 1: Donate to UN Watch through the Charities Aid Foundation and receive a tax-deductible receipt.
- Donations can be by CHECK or BANK TRANSFER.
- You must be eligible for tax benefits in the UK when making the donation. Amount donated must be less than or equal to the amount paid in income tax.
- Minimum donation is 250 Pounds.
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
+44 (0) 3000 123 380
Option 2: You can also donate to UN Watch through the UK Toremet Limited and receive a tax-deductible receipt.
1. Please make sure that all payments are made out to UK Toremet Limited.
2. Please make sure to send notice to UK Toremet Limited that you are making a gift, or that a gift has been made, with a request that it be utilised for the facilitation of the activities of UN Watch.
3. Please do your best to make clear, either by means of additional information added to the bank transfer form or by a letter accompanying a check, that you would like for your gift to be put towards the facilitation of UN Watch's activities.
Paypal or Credit Card:
To make a donation in GBP by paypal or credit card, please use the links below:
For donating WITH gift aid: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=GBYPHWG2ZXSAE&source=url
For donating WITHOUT gift aid: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=QYBVMLPJPVCRE&source=url
Checks should be made out to UK Toremet Limited and sent to:
Shenkers LLP
Bank Transfers:
(Please make sure to state both your name and the name of UN Watch on the transfer details)
Account type: NWDBB CURRENT
Account number: 1 9 2 1 1 3 3 3
Sort code: 6 0 - 2 4 - 7 7
Bank address:
PO Box 4115
RM12 4DF